
For over 30 years we have instilled companies with confidence in the safety of their products

Harry Deo

Director of Safety, Regulatory and Certification Services


Harry Deo has been in the product safety, regulatory, certification, design and development engineering for 30+ years. He has held positions of: Technical Safety Director, Principal Safety Engineer, Regulatory Manager, Senior Safety & Certification Engineer, Senior Systems Engineer and Senior Design Engineer in companies such as Bosch Inc., Ballard Power Systems Inc., Tekion Inc., Plug Power Inc., Scientific Atlanta Inc., and Onsite Product Safety & Certification Inc.

Certification Marks

Harry has directed and engineered the third party safety and regulatory certification of several technology products for ordinary and hazardous locations use. This certification has been done for many well established national and international certification marks such as: UL, CSA, CE, ATEX, IN-Metro, IECEx, TIIS, PSE, CCC and CTick.

International Accord

Harry is also an active participant in national and international safety codes and standards development through CSA, UL and IEC committees. He has also advised on regulations development and amendment at UNDGP, ICAO and IATA.

Safety-First Philosophy

Harry is a strong believer, promoter and educator of the philosophy of “adequate/sufficient safety” in today’s products and services (affecting People, Property, Environment and Economy). His many years of industry experience, and involvement in design and development of market products, makes his practice of safety engineering practical, implementable and cost-sensitive. Harry has been providing practical and applicable training/presentations for many years in the areas of: safety risk analysis, safety management plans, safety certification, and safety quality and auditing systems related to product development. Such knowledge is critical to organizations in meeting product regulatory and certification requirements, reducing product liability, improving the bottom line, and achieving exemplary safety standards in delivering SAFE products and services.