
Customers and Clients

Our mission is to help companies have the peace of mind that the product they are delivering to market is as safe as it is functional.

Our Customers

Plug Power Inc.

Plug Power Inc.

Cooledge Lighting Inc.

Cooledge Lighting Inc.

Canadian Space Agency

Canadian Space Agency

Bosch Inc.

Bosch Inc.

Loop Energy Inc.

Loop Energy Inc.

National Research Council of Canada

National Research Council of Canada

Boeing Inc.

Boeing Inc.

Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company

Dali Wireless Inc.

Dali Wireless Inc.

Other Customers

Ballard Power Systems Inc., Nuvera Fuel Cells, Alpha Technologies Inc., IRDI Systems Inc., General Hydrogen Inc., Tekion Inc., Fixedpoint Software Inc., TIR Lighting Systems Inc., Philips Lighting Inc., MTI Inc., Angstrom Power Inc., Hydra Power Inc., Ardica Inc., Hydrogenics Inc., Scientific Atlanta Inc., Motorola Inc., Cooledge Lighting, Photon Systems Inc., MKS Instruments, Genesis Robotics, Delta-Q Technologies, RST Instruments